Posts Tagged ‘Consumer’

Stretch Your Eldercare Dollars

Many older people fear that their retirement nestegg survive, so we put together a few of our best dollar saving tips to help.

Select the lowest level of care possible

Many Assisted Living offers a different level of care. They may be able to meet the needs of your older with less than 24 hours per day care. Among other services they can provide services ° medication reminders, · transfers from bed to wheelchair, · swimming, and, · care and dressing help.

Monthly fees will be significantly lower than those of nursing homes, perhaps as much as $ 1,000 less per month.

Aged Care facilities that offer “aging in place” a double benefit.You reap the cost savings associated with lower levels of care, and your older can relax, away from the stress of an important future step.

Look for care by non-profit organizations.

Our research shows that, on average, nursing homes conducted by nonprofit organizations around 1 / 3 less impaired than homes run by for-profit organizations. Homes run by large companies, especially those with many facilities to manage, the highest average number of deficiencies. By finding a suitable non-profit institution that provides care, you could save thousands of dollars over the course of one year. Older and you can get better care.

A word of warning: I do not mean to imply that all non-profit organizations provide quality care to all corporate housing or provide poor care. It depends on the specific organization. Once you have visited a specific facility several times you have a reasonably accurate assessment of the quality of care is practiced.

Slash the costs of prescription drugs

Your savings can amount to thousands of dollars a year if you have only one or two of these tactics.

1. Ask your doctor for generic substitutes, 2. Brand name prescriptions to out-of-the-country pharmacies, particularly in Canada. 3. Use Pillbot ( to the least expensive prices in U.S. pharmacies to be found. 4. Apply for reduced cost or free medications. Pharmaceutical companies often have programs that cost less or free recipes available for elderly people who otherwise could not afford to provide. Ask your doctor whether such programs are available for the requirements of your elderly needs.

Ask retailers for discounts for seniors

Many companies routinely offer discounts for seniors, but you may not know that such discounts exist, unless you ask for them.

Comparable to large discounts on sale with prices, especially for aviation. It is not uncommon to find that sales prices are lower than the spot price.

Take advantage of end of season sale

Buy clothing, including sleepwear, casual wear, shoes and coats, at a considerable saving on the retail end of the current season. If your elder needs adaptive clothing, look at the websites that feature specials and close outs.

Use public services

Libraries – It can quickly and easily drop by your local bookstore for the latest bestseller, but it is cheaper to borrow from your local library. It is also a big advantage to be able to return the book to someone else shelves once it has been read. Elder housing often lacks ample storage space.

Public Transport – Older Americans are no different from Americans in another age. They want their own transport, available immediately, and they value the independence that a car represents. However, the cost of ownership, insurance, licenses and property taxes are not justified for an older person who no longer drive routine. If you convince your elder to car ownership to see, you can save as much as two hundred dollars a month.

Many public transport authorities, door-to-door cost rides for elderly and disabled. If your elder lives in a retirement community, some transport into the monthly rent. Special fees may apply for transportation to special events, but alternative transport is available to help you build a strong case for giving your old car ownership.

Senior centers – Senior centers offer companionship and a variety of activities at little or no cost. Check to see what your local senior center that might interest your elder.

Avoiding the hidden costs of long term care

Reviews – Most elderly facilities necessary evaluations. Such evaluations usually take place before the oldest is a resident and be repeated periodically or after a serious illness or accident.Fees for most assessments are between $ 300 and $ 500.Sometimes a physician assessment in place for assessing the facility.

You’ll save money if you warn big appraisal fees, costs over a few thousand dollars. Such fees fit neatly into the category of “hidden costs.”

A cunning variation is the practice of performing the first evaluation 30 days after the eldest is a resident. If you have questions this practice, you’ll probably hear that an assessment is not accurate to the oldest fully moved into his new home. Watch out!

Most facilities will allow you to Elder’s your lease without penalty to terminate within the first 30 days of stay. However, if the assessment of the monthly cost increases significantly (a likely outcome), you will not know until you’re locked into a contract. Often terminate a lease after 30 days you lay yourself open to substantial penalties.

Pharmacy Costs – A new twist in hidden costs, a provision the question that the drugs are packaged in a single dose packets. If you thought prescription costs were already high, get ready for heart-stopping sticker shock when you see the prices of individual packs. This requirement can be as much as six thousand dollars a year to add to your long-term care costs. Ask specifically about this practice before you sign a contract.

Fees and deposits – Fees are recurring monthly services, while deposits are amounts held by the owner to protect it from possible damage. Pets, smoking, and wheelchair / car users can damage a house, so charging fees or deposits in these particular circumstances is reasonable.

Not so reasonable, however, the practice of charging fees and deposits as well. It comes down to one other hidden costs that you should reject.

Prevent or Delay Alzheimer’s Disease

Argh! Where are my glasses? I put them down. . . what to do? And when?

As the daughter of an Alzheimer’s patient, this inability to take everyday objects, like my glasses and car keys, drives me absolutely crazy! Absent-mindedness has always plagued me.Now, it keeps me anxious and guessing. Is this an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease? I could end up like my father, crippled by this disease? I decided to worry about and act to stop it!

I searched the latest literature to see what techniques (no prescriptions, thank you!) Can prevent or the onset of Alzheimer’s disease to slow down. Here are some of the things I found.

Nutrition Counts!

Vitamin E

Diets rich in vitamin E and essential oils may help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. A study recently published in the Archives of Neurology (2002) found that participants aged 65-102, who ate fish at least once a week showed 36% less decline in cognitive functioning than three years of study +. Similar results were found in the Rotterdam Study, a study followed more than 9000 participants. These researchers found that participants who ate fish usually only one third as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease as those who ate fish least often. These studies provide compelling reasons to at least one meal of fish to add to your diet each week.

What other foods should you take? Olive oil is a particularly valuable source of vitamin E and other antioxidants. I prefer the extra virgin variety of olive oil for the milder taste. With a dash of fresh lime juice, olive oil makes a pleasant dressing. And I have found that the more I use it, the more I like it.

B vitamins

B vitamins, particularly folic acid and vitamin B-12, help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and a host of other diseases such as heart disease and stroke. A study by the National Institute on Aging found that mice fed a diet rich in folic acid were able to damage the DNA of nerve cells in the hippocampus (an area needed for memory and learning) to repair. Foods rich in B vitamins whole grains, yeast, meat, skim milk, lentils and leafy vegetables.

Can not I just take a pill?

B vitamins may not be readily absorbable from pills. Certainly, the pills are better than nothing, but for good absorption by the body, vitamin B shots may be preferable. Vitamin E and fish oil capsules are readily absorbed, so they should help. Contact your doctor or a nutritionist for correct dosages.

Soy milk replaced

Soy may have protective properties and is a good source of B vitamins. I’ve known for years that ice cream gives me a stomachache. The problem is that I have an ice cream junkie, a dairy products junkie, for that matter am. I’ve never met one I did not like old cheddar cheese. So I was very surprised that I actually based on soy milk and ice rather their dairy counterparts. I have not tried soy-based cheese yet. If you have, or if you’ve tried other soy substitutes, let me know what you think.

A caution: genetically-modified soya beans are often used in soy-based products. Without labeling, such as that Western European countries require all genetically modified food, it is difficult to ensure that genetically modified beans are excluded from the products you eat. I get mine at the health food store for a little extra protection. Although I can not say whether the product contains some genetically-altered soy, the fact that it is organic assures me that it is free of pesticide residues.

What about NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)?

One of the prevailing theories is that inflammation causes or encourages Alzheimer’s disease. This theory has led to the suggestion that a daily dose of NSAIDs (Ibuprofen and similar products) can prevent the disease. However, researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center (8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, July 25, 2002) found no significant benefits from NSAIDS compared to a placebo.

What to avoid


A brand new study, also reported in Stockholm (July 23, 2002) during the 8th International Conference on Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, showed that people who lack the gene that predisposes people to Alzheimer’s disease, smoking is significantly related the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease.Another reason to quit smoking now!


Even small amounts of mercury can make the neurofibrillary tangles (abnormal tau proteins) occur in Alzheimer’s and related diseases according to research conducted at the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine. So I’ll avoid silver / mercury fillings.My mercury-filled thermometer now resides in the bin. The newer digital thermometers are easier, faster and safer to use.

Other benefits of a nutritious diet

A nutritious diet, combined with a healthy lifestyle can prevent or alleviate many diseases associated with aging. With a growing U.S. population now over 65 + (17 million + according to the latest U.S. Census), seniors with serious medical problems may soon require more care than we as a nation has to offer. We must do all we can to the problems associated with aging to eliminate. Then the golden years can truly gold.

Creating an Effective Newsletter

Many people do not know how easy it really is running a successful newsletter. They do not realize the importance of having one. There are two main types of newsletters, which are free and you pay for.

Newsletters are the best way to generate sales and will for years to come. It is essential that you a FREE subscription to a newsletter on your website and every person you meet has to offer. Your subscription information to your website and in your signature file.

People who subscribe to your newsletter is very loyal customers as long as you let them you are honest, credible, and that you know what your talking about. They will not only buy from you now, but they will buy from you in the future because you built a good rapport with them.

You might think: “I have no newsletter. Well, will you want one, because they bring in tons of cash if you use them right. Consider this situation:

Someone is surfing the web for accounting software, and comes across your website, and you happen to sell the software they need. If you do not stir their interest in the first few seconds, they will be gone.

But what about this situation:

This person visit to your website and see the offer of a free monthly newsletter on accounting and tax tips shortcuts. They sign, which retains the person on your site a little longer and get them to interact with the. Even if they move on to their email address so you can send them your newsletter and other offers by Mon

Remember, if your subscribers for your newsletter, they are potential customers who you have built up credibility. By doing this you have a foundation on which other products and services to offer.

Ok, you can ask, I know I make a newsletter. What should I call the newsletter? The name you should come with a draw in what you deliver to your location. It should highlight you as an expert in your field of business.

The information could consist of the following:

* Industry news * updates or information regarding the product / service you are marketing * Articles you’ve compiled from other sources (with permission of course) * * Special tips A composite list of interesting websites with new product announcements * visit * Announcements on changes / updates / additions to your website * Questions and answers from subscribers * A reader feedback section * Special rates and promotions for newsletter subscribers only * A survey to get feedback from your customers * humorous stories about your industry * Famous quotes , funny sayings, joke of the day, etc. * Employee of the month or top sales person of the month * Spotlight on a member, reader, or customer

… Etc. ….

Of course, no matter what the newsletter you sure that you are in a blurb about one of your products or services.

By your subscribers with the exact information they need, you will:

Set your credibility as an industry expert. Their questions and solve their problems and your subscribers will begin to see you as an industry expert and trust you. Increase your traffic by making your website “sticky”. People will see your site as a valuable resource – rather than a site that tries to sell them something – so they come back again and again.

Give yourself a legitimate reason to contact them back and forth.

A newsletter provides the perfect opportunity to your subscribers with valuable information products, as well as short plugs for your product or service being offered to send.

Because subscribers see you as a source of valuable information – not as a vendor – they will thank you for your tips and advice and more open to any offer you present them with.

Solitary Confinement — for Life!

Sixty-five year old Arthur Jones served a self-imposed life sentence – in his own home.

Arthur lived in a high crime neighborhood, so he built iron cages around his outside doors and installed bars on the windows.Nobody could find it easy to break into the house of Arthur’s!

I met Arthur a few years ago, although you would hardly call our interaction meeting. When I arrived to deliver his meal, as part of the meals-on-Wheels program, Arthur barely cracked open his front door, even though his cage clearly protected him. He refused to open the cage door at all, even to him his meal, I had the corner of the box through the bars. Without doubt, this maneuver scrambled the hot contents of his boxed meal, but Arthur would have no other way. He clearly feared me, a 100-pound woman, and everyone else.

I wish I could say that Arthur’s family came to his aid, finding him the medical and emotional treatment he needed. I can not. Arthur’s depression and paranoia compounded relentlessly, killing him at far too young.

Many older people live like Arthur, holed up in their own homes, barricaded against the world. Who cares? Family and friends should care, and they have the primary responsibility, acting in their earlier state rivals that of Arthur. We can not shift this burden to our government. We can not wish it away. Those of us lucky elders in our lives have the responsibility to see that they do not succumb to depression shoulder.

At this holiday season, many elders experience transitory depression, as celebrations bring memories of friends and loved ones who are deceased. Reduced hours of sunshine may add to their depression. How do you know if your elder suffers from serious depression? And, if you suspect depression, what to do?Here are a few tips.

What signs should lead you to suspect serious depression?

Lethargy and / or refusal to get out of bed; changes in sleep patterns such as sleeping all morning Special Complaints memory and loss of ability Frequent sighs concentrating or cry as unusual for the patient Feeling fear and loneliness , thoughts of death Refusal to eat for prescription drugs thoughts or talk of suicide to take (remember, the idea that suicide is not their plans signal a myth!) Significant changes in personality Irritability

What can you do?

A few simple steps can improve their condition rapidly:

call more often than usual. Take your oldest for trips away from the house. Schedule a medical appointment to confirm or deny your suspicions, and one for your elder to that appointment. Depression often accompanies the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Check bottles to make sure that your elder is actually taking prescribed medications at recommended doses. Too many or too few pills in the bottle can alert you to problems. If you find evidence that the drugs not be taken as directed, soft probe to see if you can learn why. Take the oldest in the parties and holiday festivities, but keep the duration of their participation at a level they can easily handle.Drop more than usual on homebound elders.

5 Dangerous Eldercare Myths

Myths associated with selecting quality nursing home care suggest quick and easy ways to identify quality of care. In fact, relying on these myths to disastrous results. I stated a few of the most common myths in hopes of helping you avoid some of the problems commonly found in many nursing homes.

1. The smell test

You’ve heard it repeatedly: “The best way to improve the quality of care in a nursing home has to be determined to be alert to bad odors during your visit to the house.”

This rarely works. Why? Nursing home administrators have heard the same advice. As a result, they are particularly sensitive to unpleasant odors in an area that could receive visitors. Almost all will do their best to unpleasant odors as quickly as possible, even if it means avoiding their primary responsibility to remove their inhabitants.

2. Personal recommendation

Recently I heard a guest on a radio talk show state that the best way to find great nursing home care is to get recommendations from a friend. Like other myths, there is some truth here, but you should check whether your friend has had extensive interactions with the nursing home recommended. Often this is not the case.

Last weekend I dealt with an emergency call from Jim, a friend who had his mother in a nursing home recommended by a friend.Although she was recuperating from a stroke, no nurse or aide checked on her condition for more than 14 hours. Jim discovered her in the morning with lots of cuts and bruises, her sheets soaked in blood. He was surprised that anyone would recommend such a bad institution.

“My friend said her grandmother in this particular nursing home,” he reported. ”So, I thought it would provide good care.”

“How often does your friend visit her grandmother?” I asked him.

“I did not think to ask,” he replied.

“And you have the latest survey for that nursing home?”

“No,” he replied. ”I thought a personal recommendation was all I needed.”

Jim’s mother is now back in an area hospital. Nobody knows yet how much damage this experience caused to her recovery.

3. You get what you pay for

Nowhere is this statement less applicable than in the elderly. In fact, I would replace it with another shibboleth – “Buyer Beware.”Our own research, includes more than 6000 nurses and more than 100 assisted living facilities shows no relationship between cost and quality of care. You will find the quality of care in an expensive facility, or you can not! The fact that a facility is low cost does not indicate a poor, average or quality of care to get. You should do your homework. Relying on price as the only indicator of quality of care can lead to disastrous results.

4. Adequate Staffing Equals Quality Care

A recent report by the Senate Special Committee on Aging indicated that quality of care for a nursing home resident requires more than three hours per day of nursing and nursing aide time.However, statistical analysis of the latest federal database on nursing home deficiencies indicates no relationship between the quality of care and the workforce. This finding is consistent with a number of university studies.

What do you seek, then nursing workforce?

There is a level below which nursing homes are so understaffed that quality care can not be provided. I suggest you not every house with a level less than two hours per day per capita to consider. For levels higher than this, I would not focus on the number of hours available for care, but the motivation of the staff available to provide care. Those who are motivated to care for the elderly will.Those who are only motivated by a salary will probably provide shoddy care regardless of their number.

5. A well-known chain would best care

This is another myth that can lead to a tragedy. Sometimes known companies offer top-quality care. In other cases, however, a quick overview of newspapers and magazines to show other companies with a long record of legal problems arising from allegations of neglect and abuse. Such an undertaking was simultaneously sued by a number of states attorneys general.

How will you know? The company is not likely to tell you, so you will not know unless you take the time to look at the historical performance of the company.

Kyle’s Corner — Vehicle Tips you can use

What enables people to be on time for an important appointment, attend a favorite social event or recreational activity, or just ride on a pleasant summer day? Which machine do so many people know if it were almost a member of the family? What enables drivers to experience a greater sense of freedom? Of course, different from the car. Or in modern terms: the automobile, sport-utility vehicle or minivan.

More and more people realize that the cost of new transportation can really throw a budget into reverse. In many cases, new car prices today compared to the cost of a new home but a generation ago. As reliable transport is a necessity – do not despair, a two to four year old used cars, sport-utility vehicle or minivan can be purchased at a savings of 25 to 50 percent of the cost when new.Moreover, the number of well-built, reliable cars rose in the past decade. When properly maintained, the vehicles can be driven for many miles, and they are now available at substantial savings.

The following tips will help you get more pleasure and save money on your next used car to buy.

1. Take time to really identify your transportation needs. Buying used transport that transport meets the needs to the extent resulting in more driving pleasure. You will also be less likely to tire of the vehicle and to sell it after only one year or two please.

2. See the April (car edition) issue of Consumer Reports at a public library. The frequency-of-repair information will help you to focus on used vehicles likely will need fewer repairs.

3. During the public library, check out the NADA used car price list.Checkout the vehicle classified sections of major newspapers in the United States. Vehicle prices start in the big cities and then progress in other areas of the country.

4. Become aware of when a vehicle is redesigned by reading publications such as the vehicle Car and Driver, Motor Trend, Road & Track (available at public libraries), or motor week (available online). Receive an additional price break by purchasing a vehicle (the previous design) six months to one year after the new vehicle design hits the market. Try to avoid buying a vehicle that will be revised after you have purchased and its price will fall on you.

5. Keep in mind that there are multiple sources used vehicles to choose from: Private owners, car rental (some rent sport utility vehicles and minivans), Internet sources, bank repossessions, commercial vehicles, off lease cars showrooms, etc. Be sure each source that you also inform the other.

Buying a Better Classic Cruise

What enables people to be on time for an important appointment, attend a favorite social event or recreational activity, or just ride on a pleasant summer day? Which machine do so many people know if it were almost a member of the family? What does keep turning heads and directors to be noticed? Of course, different from a classic car.

More and more people realize that the cost of the new transportation budget is really a shift in reverse order. In many cases, new car prices today compared to the cost of a new home but a generation ago. This would be great to turn back the hands of time on vehicle prices. This is impossible with new vehicles, but in some cases, it is possible to buy classic cars. Classic cars offer a driving experience not only the current new vehicles can not match, but they can be great investments.

The following tips will help you get more pleasure and save money on your next classic car to buy.

1. Take time to really identify your transportation needs and the classic vehicle that is appropriate for your disposal. Buying used classics transportation needs and drivers’ dispositions meets largely the result of maximum driving pleasure.

2. Refer to the Internet to visit specific discussion boards on the street about a particular classic car.

3. See Hemmings Motor News in print or online to learn about classic car prices. Checkout the vehicle classified sections of major newspapers in the United States. Vehicle prices start in the big cities and then progress in other areas of the country. One thing to keep in mind regarding the prices and classic car restoration: In many cases, the cost of restoring classic cars end up being 25 to 50 percent larger than what many buyers anticipate

4. Keep track of any shifts in demand for classic cars of interest by adherence to classic car clubs and attend classic car shows. Also observed that the top notch mechanic who chose to earn a living working on making classics. Many of the “old timers” have experience with that money really can not buy and most are happy to spend 15 or 20 minutes every few months to talk about a classic vehicle.

5. In most cases, buying a used classic car was a considerable amount of time, effort, and depending on the vehicle finance. After obtaining the classical, the necessary time to take pictures, document the mileage to shoot, and record maintenance and condition of the vehicle. This goes a long way in helping to protect classic of your dreams.

6. Remember that information, knowledge and understanding are the keys to driving the best classic car for the price.

Five Ways to Manage Difficult Elders

“You are old, Father William,” said the young man, “and your hair has become very white, and yet you incessantly stand on your head – Do you, at your age, it is good?” Lewis Carroll (1865) My grandmother was the original matriarch. When she barked “frog,” the only acceptable answer was “how high?” She was difficult to treat in her last days, surprising no one. Not being the brightest penny in the family purse, I responded emotionally to her complaints, judgments and demands. Rather than immediately leave, I stood my ground, trying to defend my family and I from her relentless attacks. As a result, we were not speaking when she died. Had I understood what I was facing, I had tried to put myself in her shoes would have a better ending our story. In the hope that your story have a more satisfying ending, I offer a couple of tricks for dealing with difficult elders I’ve learned since then. 1) before a plan of a crisis The best way to deal with difficult parents is as much as possible to avoid problems by planning how you treat them before they arise. Choose a time when all family members can meet in person or on a conference call to discuss what you will do when a family member needs help. Take the attention away from elderly parents to fully participate in planning and making certain they have a role to play. Sure to take notes! Share them with all your family members to check appointments. In difficult situations, you may want to ask family members to sign a copy of an agreement to return. Here are a few of the topics you would like to address: Physical Location How do you help a family member if they live in another city? Can an effective long-distance caregiver, and if so, how? If not, who will move, and when should that happen? Roles Who is responsible for what? Will you share the cost is, or want to contribute cash balance through time? What will happen when there are disagreements? How will you deal with changes in individual circumstances? How will you respond to threats to health and safety? Differentiation preferences and requirements. If it’s more than a preference for family live together, get it out on the table before a crisis erupts. Planning Document Where do you store important documents such as wills, powers of attorney, insurance, and deeds of trust. Who will have access to these documents? And under what circumstances? 2) Extend your patience muscles Remember your excitement when you crossed the threshold of adulthood? When you first get a license? When your first job? When you find your first apartment and could decorate it all on your own? Then think about how you would feel if you had to give adult privileges, one by one. What you feel now can close the feelings of your difficult parent. But old feelings you indispensable. Your difficult parent may fear · Becoming invisible · themselves as useless or stupid · the loss of their friends, · losing physical abilities · Becoming dependent. By yourself in their place, you can respond positively and well. 3) Forget “parenting your parent” One of the most useful ideas in our culture is the idea that if your parents age, you become their parents. Stuff and Nonsense!You are not your parents’ age, nor will you ever. Your role may be friend, confidant, carer and supporter, but if you take the role of parent, your older decrease by reducing them to the position of the child. No wonder they react negatively. Would not you?

Suddenly Cooking for One

Anne recently lost her husband of 42 years to cancer.

“I just can not cook myself,” she said. ”What can I do cooking is not such an ordeal?”

Anne’s circumstance is typical of many seniors who have lost a spouse or partner. And while it would be easy for her a “cooking for a cookbook that is really not the problem – an undesirable change.

When you are ready for a family of two or more, cooking for one is a lonely business. But a few simple changes can help.

1. Change your cooking environment.

Toss or store those old dishes are so many signals for remembering other times. Replace with a new set for two or four. I found four beautiful dinnerware sets for under $ 50.00 at Crate & Barrel and Kitchen, Tableware, etc. need not be expensive to be fun, and the change will help guide you to the life you now live.

While you’re at it, take a quick trip to your local bookstore. Many of the latest cookbooks feature beautiful color photographs of delicious meals to tempt your taste buds.

2. Change your eating habits.

Change the time you eat your e-mail meal. Change your regular diet to something new and more exciting. Change your eating partner. You may have friends who would enjoy sharing a meal. If not, volunteer or to create new senior centers.

Invite friends, new and old, to come to share a meal. Maybe they enjoy sharing meal preparations as well.

Spend your meals regularly work at a soup kitchen or delivering “Meals-on-Wheels.” It’s hard to be lonely when you give of yourself.

3. Not cooking for one.

It is not difficult to prepare a meal for four than a meal for one – if cooking for four, and freeze the surplus in meal portions. TM Ziplock freezer bags will work well for single servings, but do not use sandwich bags. They are too thin for adequate freeze.

Alternatively, consider a vacuum packaging system. The company promotes its system bags boil-in bags and frozen containers.Vacuum air removal extends the shelf life of frozen foods. I found such a system under $ 40.00 on DmartStores. Replacements bags are about $ 16.00 for three, 66-bag roll.

Do not forget to label bags and flatten, while freezer for easy stacking.

4. Eat what you’ve grown in your garden.

Food you’ve grown yourself feeds your body and your mind. Even the smallest patio has room for a few pots of tomatoes and spicy peppers, and watching the plants mature and produce fruit and vegetables is something to look forward to every day. Freeze excess produce.

5. Proportion of frozen meals with a friend.

Commercial frozen meals with a friend (whom you pre-qualified as a good, or at least acceptable cook). You will both benefit from a change in diet.

6. Eating!

But not just food. While working as a veteran road warrior, I spent many weeks away from friends and family. I often ate in restaurants, but it was never the same as eating with a pleasant companion. So take the initiative – Invite a friend to lunch or dinner.

Remember, cooking for one is not the problem. Loneliness and living in memories, but you can from them and toward enjoying meals again.

Significance Of Blood Supply During A Woman’s Exercise Program

When using techniques of good fitness woman during an exercise session, you will notice that your blood will fill up the muscle or muscle group that is training.

When forces blood into your muscles during training helps create the “micro trauma”, or some small tears in your muscles that are needed for your muscles to improve and grow.

When you create these micro tears in your muscles, your muscle tissues actually repair and rebuild itself and develop a firm toned look.

But for that to happen, you must allow sufficient rest. That’s why you do not work the same muscles or muscle groups two days in a row.

The period of rest is as important as the effective exercise and nutrition portions of the fitness program.

When you’re using exercise techniques will feel a slight heat, fatigue and “burning” feeling people often mention the end of each set of all the muscle groups you are working.

If you do not understand any of this happens during training, then you may have to adjust your exercise form and technique.

Also, do not make the mistake of eating right before your fitness session. This can cause your heart and digestive system work more and jeopardize the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles that are working.

Eating too much before your workout will not let you get enough blood to the muscles that are working.

Digestion takes a lot of blood to work effectively. The more blood your body sends to digest your food the less blood available to go to the muscles to rebuild and increase strength.

Woman Fitness Top 10 Nutrition Guidelines

1. You must eat at least 4 but preferably at least six meals a day.

The typical nutritional advice of cutting back on calories and consuming no more than three meals per day in an attempt to change in your fat burning efforts into high gear, what we really be throwing the whole process in reverse.

You should make sure that you are feeding your body properly. If you do not, your body will start breaking down muscle proteins for energy. When your body is well fed, can perform at their highest level.

2. At each meal, be sure to eat protein, carbohydrates, with a little fat. It’s a simple fact, your body works better with a balance of three.

3. Use appropriate portions. Use a common sense approach, using the palm of your hand or fist to measure the size of food portions.

4. Plan your meals ahead of time. If you fix your meals at the beginning of each week and freeze them, it is more likely to stick with it.

Get containers to store food. Purchase storage containers, plastic bottles, sports, a water jug and a cooler to store your food. Having nutritious meals within reach during a hectic day can keep you on track.

5. Drink 10 glasses of water a day. It is very important to keep well hydrated when, after an intense training, nutrition and supplementation program.

6. Drink at least one glass of water with each one of your meals and more every day.

7. Do not eat right before or after training. If anything the train early in the morning on an empty stomach. You should also wait about an hour after working out before eating.

The reason for this is that after an intense workout your body will continue to burn calories from fat by up to one hour.

8. Use of high quality supplements. Appropriate supplements may help compensate for nutritional deficiencies and improve its performance. But beware, not all products are the same.

9. Find your reason to stay on track. Take a moment to consider here are emotional trigger and use it to be committed to your nutrition program.

10. Be consistent. Do not eat good four days a week and eat poorly the other three days.

It takes real motivation to stick with a fitness plan and a fitness program and properly structured and well planned to build the best body. And must have the desire to do so.