Posts Tagged ‘Google Adsense revenue’

How To Optimise Adsense For The Best Click Through Rate

There are two aspects to Adsense to pay the first is all about how your ads look, and the second is about where they are placed. Google are not shy in offering advice on these two aspects and they are happy for you to try the effectiveness of the ad format through a channel mode in Adsense that you can use to track your various configurations and determine to perform best.

So what do you actually tell Google how to optimize your Adsense ads:

* Make the background color of your ad on the same color as the background color of your hosting page for the position you held in the socket
* Make the text color of your ad match the text color and style of the text for your site
* Create links to your ad the same style as the link of your site links, ie link, visited, hover and active as much as possible the same
* It is better not to use a border on the ad, but if you do, choose a color to match your site colors
* The larger ads work best and there are optimal sizes you can select

This is very clear that the general idea is to get your Google Adsense ads blend into the style and color of your site for best results. This kind of suggests that there is a natural aversion to click on something clearly an advertisement. So by making the ads blend into the site so it just seems a trusted source of information contained in the content of the site you are more likely to click to get through to the ad itself. Because this is the whole point of the exercise from the perspective of the publisher.

Regarding the placement of the advertisement:

* The ads must be above the fold
* The best position for your primary ad is just above your page content, and
* The upper or below the nav bar (horizontal nav bar)
* And then right after your content above the footer bar
* You can also place ads in your content, usually on the left side works best

These are your options, although this does not mean you should try and use them all. There are rules that prevent it put too much added.

There are different types of ads you can use in combination and sometimes combining the different types of Adsense ads to give you maximum exposure. But you have to think about what will disable your visitors, sometimes less is more.