Posts Tagged ‘Adsese High Keyword’

The Latest Google SERPS Shake Up

If you’ve been watching your Google rankings any at all lately, you may have noticed your website going up and down in the SERPS like a Yo-Yo. Don’t be alarmed. Most everyone’s sites were affected by the latest SERPS earthqake.

No one is quite sure what the problem was / is in Google. Some speculation was that it was a PR update, some said that Google is changing its algorithm, while others said they were changing their filters inbound link that applies to inbound links.

I have no idea what caused it. Many sites had bounced a few days. The good news is that most of them have their ranking back to where they were before this whole movement started. This is not the first time that a large movement in the Google SERPS has happened and is probably not the last.

I had a few ranking keywords on other sites that lost their full ranking. These were not the most important keywords that the sites were in qualifying, but bring a bit of traffic. I’m not sure why these words have lost their classification, so the theory of filter change may have some legs.Whatever the cause, don’t panic when this happens. Most of you who’ve been around a while have learned to live with it. Judging by my email, some of you new people have been freaking out about it. Just relax and the let the little ball on the Roulette Wheel come to a stop…errr…I mean…just relax and let your sites settle down in the SERPS before you go bonkers.

Either way, if your ranking back or if you have previously discovered high-ranking keywords is on page 6 of Google SERPS, which leads me to a very important tip for all affiliate marketers. If you have not diversified, they do now. I know how tempting it is to continue working on a site that is making you money. But if that site is their only source of income, who might be living on shaky ground.

Working on getting the sites that pay little to be profitable. If you only have one or two places more. Make sure you have sites in different niches. Ideally, you want your spread income over several sites in case you lose your ranking.In fact, I’d say increasing the number of sites you have or making the ones you already have more profitable, is a great project to work on if your site has nose dived in the rankings!