No Get Rich Quick Schemes, a Promise to Myself

No Get Rich Quick Schemes! That is a promise I have made to myself. Let me give you some information about who I am and how I came to that conclusion. My name is Shaun Rosenberg and I was once into those “get rich quick schemes.”

I went from seminar to seminar learning how to trade stocks for hundreds of percentage point returns and how make huge gains overnight by flipping houses. The vast short term gain possibility blew my mind, but it seems like the real power of investing comes by doing little things consistently and then believing that those little things will add up over the long term.

Instead of shooting for the moon and attempting to get rich quick, work on creating wealth over years.

I always wanted to be one of those people who would turn a $10,000 trading account into $2,000,000 in just a year. I figured if just because I heard stories other people who did it overnight I would be able to as well.

We’ll nowadays I have a much different view on creating wealth and what it means to get rich. I still trade stocks and I still start businesses, but I do not expect to become a millionaire in the next couple of months. Once more I do not expect to be falling for any get rich quick schemes in my life.

Throughout the years I’ve seen some pretty interesting get rich quick products, get paid to open emails, find out how to pick the winning lottery numbers, and even get free money from the government.

Aside from the fact that most of these products make you believe you can become wealthy without doing anything, they aren’t even the best way of growing your wealth.

I could spend my time breaking my no get rich quick schemes promise and start chasing these around. I may even get lucky and break even on them or I might just make a couple hundred dollars within the year.

But I don’t let it bother me because I know that my time would be better spent building my own business and creating real value. Over the long term slow and steady wins the race.

Today I am slowly reaching a point where my investments and businesses will be able to pay for everything that I will ever need in my life, all this at age 22. If you are willing to learn from your mistakes and set sail towards a goal anything is possible.

And that is why I decided to create this site, the same no get rich quick schemes promise I gave myself also goes for this site.

In other words everything I talk about on is a legitimate way of creating wealth or earning money. You will not get rich over night, and it does require some work, but they are real opportunities. There are no get rich quick schemes on this website and I don’t ever plan on adding any. Just real opportunities for real people who want to learn and have the desire and passion to learn.

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