Immigration Statistics in the United States

The U.S. has seen a couple of immigrants make their way to the start of a new life, a family visit, finding new jobs or have been settled for years. People all over the world to see as the land of opportunity, their way of life by changing away from home, and building new homes abroad. The immigration statistics in the United States show how different races have been and are still in their way to the country.

Statistics on immigrants in the U.S.

The U.S. had witnessed a huge increase in immigrants crossing into the country, turning tracks by the millions each year. The peak years of the immigrants who enter the country between 1991 and 2000 there were about 10 to 11,000,000. From 2010 one quarter of U.S. residents under the age of 18 years are either immigrants or their children. The number of immigrants entering the country is about 10 percent high, over the last century when it was 20 percent. Immigrants settle primarily in states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, New York and Illinois. It is said by the Census Bureau, by the year 2100, compared to the years 1700 and 1800, there would be one billion Americans. It is predicted that by 2050, one quarter of the population will consist of the Spanish race, as Latin Americans have the highest immigration appliers.

Table of Immigration Statistics data from entering the U.S. Foreign Born

This immigration facts and statistics table functions in the United States immigration statistics, the top of immigrants pour into the U.S. from the years 2000 to 2010. Foreign born people are those who live in the U.S., but are not native to the country. There are many problems with illegal immigration, illegal immigrants living in the U.S. under the radar. The number of illegal immigration into the United States are also multiplying with time.

Country 2000 2004 2010
Mexicans 7,841,000 8,544,600 9,600,000
Chinese 1,391,000 1,594,600 1,900,000
Filipinos 1,222,000 1,413,200 1,700,000
Indians 1,007,000 1,244,200 1,610,000
Vietnamese 863,000 997,800 1,200,000
Cubans 952,000 1,001,200 1,100,000
Salvadorans 765,000 899,000 1,100,000
Dominicans 692,000 791,600 941,000
Canadians 678,000 774,800 920,000
Koreans 701,000 772,600 880,000

Types of visas

For those people applying for a visa, you must first sponsored by a U.S. citizen family member or a U.S. resident (legal of course), a company takes you to the U.S. to work and then the beneficiary of a petition is approved. The next step is to file a petition with the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This government-based portal provides everything you need to know about how to apply for a visa. There are different types of visa procedures for immigrants, depending on the reason for leaving their homeland to the U.S.. Important documents are usually required, police reports, interviews, birth certificate or marriage / divorce papers, medical information / medical and Affidavit of Support. The following list gives you an idea about the visa issued by the government

* Employer-sponsored: Employment visa.
* Sponsorship by close family / relatives: Family Immigration, fiancée or wife of American citizenship, child adoption, immigration, family or spouse of LPR in the U.S.
* Special Immigrants: Working as an Afghan / Iraqi interpreters or translators, work / worked for the U.S. government (Iraqis / Afghans) and religious workers.

The immigration statistics in the United States are constantly fluctuating, which is said that the figures now. As I always say, do your research and look good on a trusted domain of what is required of you when applying for a visa / green card. Good luck.

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