Immigration Moving to Forefront of Upcoming Legislative Session

With the failure of a Democratic majority in Congress to push through the Dream Act, many political observers expect the new influx of Tea Party and Republican candidates for further divided on the issue of immigration to create. The Dream Act would be a viable opportunity for hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a legal status in the U.S. now that the legislation has stalled available have provided, it is likely that future debates about the origins or the children born of illegal immigrants in the U.S. should granted automatic citizenship.

The Obama has managed to perform a delicate balancing act so far. While it appears that the administration is pushing for more liberal policy on immigration, it also monitored the highest number of deportations of illegal immigrants to take. The president has a strong emphasis on employers of illegal surveillance and the E-Verify system is a web-based approach of trying to follow who is employed to track where in the U.S.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow in the U.S., but even the most hard-line opponents of illegal immigration will be forced to the political consequences of making radical changes in immigration policy to consider. Given that there is balance in the Congress in terms of numbers on both sides of the aisle, regardless of the legislation is likely to be less teeth and less offensive to all concerned. Of course, it will eventually have less effect, so the trade-off is quite clear.

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