Common Tax Deductions for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

Many agents are often confused about what tax deductions they can take. Many agents make the mistake of not taking enough deductions that can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

Advertising costs: Drawing, newspaper ads, flyers, online advertising, postcards, promotional, Yellow Pages, Promotional flyers and leaflets, radio and TV ads, internet ads, ad agency fees and business cards.

Fees: Your MLS Board Dues, Dues broker, Renewal fees with your State Board, Errors and Omissions Insurance.

Doubtful: NSF checks

Teaching Materials: Need Continuing Ed classes or seminars?Purchase Books and Magazines?

Cars / driving costs: This is an obvious remember most agents – but many are often confused about how many miles or how they can deduct your “personal” and “business” to separate. You can choose to deduct per mile driven or you can also do this with the actual cost of insurance, gas, repairs and maintenance, and other vehicle costs.

Office Equipment: Office equipment may include office expenses if you do at your office, computer / software, telephone charges, cameras, stationery, and anything else related to necessities of running your office.

Salary paid: Did you pay an assistant? Hire someone to help you?Did you pay any referral fees to other agents? All these may be deductible as well.

Keys and Key Boxes: Did you purchase or Leys key boxes made?

Business Entertainment: You can commission for dinners, tickets to events that are business oriented, entertaining for business at home, and anything else related to the charges you made for entertaining business clients.

Gifts: You can deduct up to $ 25 per customer per year for these gifts, not the actual value of the gift exceeded.

Health Insurance: The self-employed, you are also entitled to deduct health insurance and qualified long term care insurance for you and your family in a plan for your business.

Home Office: you are entitled to a home office deduction.

Whether you are launching your real estate career or have been in business for years, so we will change how your broker business, home office and personal finance site that you have more time to the things you need money - working with buyers and sellers.

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