Archive for the ‘Management’ Category

How to Run a Great Meeting

Communication is at the epicenter of a successful corporate world.Meetings are the most preferred way to exchange ideas. It allows for people to sit together to brainstorm and without further interruptions. But there is a tradeoff. The time we spend in a meeting is actually wasted in reference to our other tasks. One would have to spend too much time in meetings rather than productive.

How often have we been bombarded with endless meetings with no results. The advantages of a meeting may be many but one session that no results are achieved is nothing more than a waste of time. So, how do we make our meetings more productive?Below is a list of things that can be done.

• Create an agenda for the meeting and send it to all participants.Yes, everyone can come prepared and positive.
• Make all necessary resources (such as multimedia, conference, etc.) for the meeting in advance
• Allow for slack time in the agenda of the meeting because you never know when a discussion picks up and everyone has an opinion to share.
• Together with the agenda, a list of decisions to be finalized and implemented by the end of the meeting.
• There should be a moderator in the figure to be participants in the meeting. Someone should call and get the meeting in the right direction when participants lose focus.
• Ensure that all stakeholders are present, so there is no need to have an additional meeting. Moreover, to ensure that only parties present and no independent members are there.
• Record and circulate minutes later to participants. Frequent review of meeting minutes for the improvement of productivity and ethics.
• Ensure that all participants give their opinions, and there are no silent observers.
• Too much understanding does, everyone wants the meeting to the end for now, but there may be disagreements later.
• Provide a devil’s advocate advice. Encourage constructive criticism.
• Ensure that no external disturbance, such as mobile phones or participants in and out during the meeting moving
• But before all these measures ensure that there really need for this meeting.
• And in the end always follow-up of the factors that decided in the meeting and agreed actions thereafter.

If all these steps, you are bound to get the most from the conference sessions. Happy brainstorming.

7 Leadership Strategy STEPS to Building An Inspiring Workplace

Change in an organization are usually created by a higher level of leadership and started a very good reason. Leadership and Change is supporting the organization’s mission, vision and values, but by the time change affect your department and reach your customers and employees is usually presented as a tactic.

In other words, we are very good at explaining how the change will occur and how it will affect our jobs but we forgot to explain why.Interpersonal skills flourish when people feel included. The “why” embodies the purpose and meaning of all new activities. Once people understand “why”, the “how” often falls into more appropriate. Open the lines of communication. Employees must feel comfortable talking openly and in an informal environment where everyone’s opinion is given equal consideration. If a change occurs, employees should be included and involved.As a keynote speaker, I find the 7 steps are crucial.

7 Leadership Strategy steps toward an inspiring work environment:

Step 1-Communication: The most critical interpersonal communication skills. Especially for your leadership strategy, focus on opening the lines of communication. Get people talking and create a safe atmosphere for employees to share their honest opinion. Discuss the importance of open communication with all leaders. Leadership Keynote speaker Lance Secretan focuses on an open dialogue to improve productivity.

Step 2-Recognize the Unspeakable: Do people hate the overtime policy? Do you have conflicts, stress and low morale in the office?Different leaders abuse privileges? Touchy issues must be addressed and discussed openly. Many employees will quietly be harboring ill feelings about such “unspeakables.” It is essential to the communication lines open. Be careful not to point fingers or place blame inappropriately. Stick to the facts: what is happening, why, and what you plan to do.

Step 3-Secrecy Breeds Suspicion: When information or activity is being kept secret, is ambiguous, so communication is essential.Develop tools that help to communicate what is going on. Regular e-mail, meetings, newsletters, leadership presentations, conference calls, voice mail or keep people informed. Each new discussion or planning should be shared with all staff sooner rather than later. Activate your communications system to make information accessible.

Step 4-promise: Make fewer and better agreements. Do not commit to something that you can not follow. If you can not honor a company or a proposal, which immediately and negotiate.Keeping people informed (eg we are not going to be … and here’s why …). Express your regret and talk about what you plan to do about the problem. Communicate that everyone should be accountable to, all levels of staff must keep promises. Involve the whole group and call for everyone’s responsibility. Investing in commitments.Inspiration will follow.

Step 5 Eliminate Multiple Behavior: whatever is not needed, or you can not justify elimination. A charity for all activities.

6-Step Model Trust managers should: Is management consistent, predictable and reliable? All managers should be evaluated together with the staff. A leading stress management technique should start modeling trust.

Step 7-regulation should be treated as guidelines, not Solutions: Employee ruling should be respected for trust relationships.

Involve, involve, involve. When employees come to you with a concern, why not involve them in the solution? Let them gather a task force and come up with different solutions to present to management and other personnel. The more involved the pessimists, the more the problem is their own and they take responsibility for (and how they feel). Trust Improving Interpersonal skills require the involvement of employees.

Implementation of each of the above seven steps in stages. The creation of an open work environment to which employees trust and includes input means that all feelings must be heard, including criticism. Leadership must be willing to welcome criticism and handle employee.

Starting Your Private Practice

For many physicians, starting a private practice is an important step in their career. A private practice offers the flexibility of more regular hours and a greater control over how what kind of treatments they administer to their patients.

As for any person who is self-employed, starting your own practice, you need to about the business affairs of your actions to be implemented in addition to medical procedures. You need to get the impact of hiring and understand accounting for costs and revenues – and of course, if a private doctor, you are responsible for all legal responsibilities arising out of your practice.

For doctors to break out on their own

- Classrooms – most doctors will need to lease office space to practice, although some may choose to work out of their home.

- Employees – most doctors will require a receptionist to book appointments and take care of administrative tasks – an experienced physician assistant can be an invaluable investment if they make your practice smoothly. You may also require trained medical personnel as a registered nurse or technician.

- Accounting – new private practitioners may find that the most challenging part of running their new actions to get a grip on the business side of things. A good bookkeeper and accountant will help you track your finances, but you must be careful records of your day to day account activities and have a clear understanding of your income and expenses.

- Equipment – What kind of medical equipment will your practice need and how you will acquire these assets? Many private practitioners will choose to rent medical equipment, as opposed to purchasing it outright to avoid the large upfront cost. Meanwhile, some vendors offer vendor finance business through third party financier.

Once your practice is set up, and your identity is proudly framed on the wall, you need depends on your network of contacts for referrals to get in the door. Let others know your new practice and stay informed of the communities and networks that can help you to get the word out.