Email Marketing 101: A General Overview of Email Marketing and Its Benefits.

Email marketing is. These days, almost every profession and industry has an email marketing campaign. What is the thing with email marketing? Why is everyone take advantage of the seemingly cheap opportunity of advertising?

Recent estimates have shown that e-mail marketing is one of the cheapest forms of advertising that has ever existed. Besides’ word of mouth “that an intense exponential viral effect, e-mail marketing is to take his rightful place.

Almost everyone has an email that day. What is the cost of the e-mail? Sometimes, nothing. Currently more than 186 million people have email addresses in the United States and an estimated 1.2 billion worldwide. This means that about one in six people on earth an e-mail.

The potential of email marketing are staggering. Never in the history of mankind has such an avenue to sell and market its products to a wide audience as it has presented itself this time. As a result, people are exploiting the potential of email marketing, which is still growing. The benefits of email marketing are amazing.

1. With email marketing, the whole world in a matter of talk only available with a push of a button. You can sell your products, services, consulting many people around the world.

2. Clients and customers are no longer limited to a specific geographical location as the market now exceeds all boundaries.Stay in a corner of your room in Fiji Islands and offer to send someone in a distant Iceland. People outside a geographic area can benefit from the goodies rather limited to that area. So it was difficult for someone in the Bahamas to see your ads. Now all you have to do send them an email.

3. The cost of e-mail marketing is well below all current advertising costs. You get feedback as quickly as two days after your first message was sent. Unlike regular mail, that process takes about six weeks, your feedback and orders started pouring in almost immediately after the e-mail is sent. In direct mail marketing, between $ 6 and $ 8 cost depending on the destination of your ad to convey to your customers and potential customers. But with e-mail marketing, it costs less than $ 1.2 to transfer it.

4. It is easier to meet and sales targets over in less than half of the period used to take. For example, Robert Allen who is the primary “advocate” of the Nothing Down Method used in this day and Property Co-author of the bestseller One Minute Millionaire, stunned the world when he said he was going to gross $ 24,000 in just 24 hours . The press obviously thought it was a big joke when he is nothing more than $ 100 in his pocket at the Fortune-filled days. To cut the long story short, he not only exceeded that goal, he nearly four times the agreed target gross profit totaled more than $ 90,000 in 24 hours! The secret? He sent an email to its subscribers some of whom were not residents of the United States with an irresistible offer the products bought from him in 24 short hours. The potential of e-mail marketing is still being exploited. As time passes, there will be more innovation in this aspect of advertising campaigns.

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